React CodeMirror 6 Cypher editor
React CodeMirror 6 Cypher editor
A Node addon on top of libcypher-parser, used to parse and lint cypher queries.
Utility functions to write Javascript/Typescript code as strings.
A full service for asymetric passwordless authentication.
Fluent CQL builder for Neo4j
Neo4j integration for NestJS
Immutable and fluent library to generate cypher queries
Cypher queries with no strings attached 🌊
A javascript decryption libary
used for encryption
Encrypt and decrypt a string.
Crypto IV Cypher.
You can find more information at https://cypher.space <br><br> Demo build: https://dev.cypher.space <br><br> Or start building using the command: npx create-cypher <br><br> Deploy your own instance to any cloud provider (cloudflare, vercel, … self h
URL safe JS library for encrypting and decrypting
Encodes cryptr output to be url safe
Encrypt and decrypt a string.
A Cypher DSL
The Cyber Swiss Army Knife for encryption, encoding, compression and data analysis.
The Cyber Swiss Army Knife for encryption, encoding, compression and data analysis.