React CodeMirror 6 Cypher editor
React CodeMirror 6 Cypher editor
A Node addon on top of libcypher-parser, used to parse and lint cypher queries.
Utility functions to write Javascript/Typescript code as strings.
A full service for asymetric passwordless authentication.
Fluent CQL builder for Neo4j
Neo4j integration for NestJS
Immutable and fluent library to generate cypher queries
A javascript decryption libary
Cypher queries with no strings attached 🌊
You can find more information at https://cypher.space <br><br> Demo build: https://dev.cypher.space <br><br> Or start building using the command: npx create-cypher <br><br> Deploy your own instance to any cloud provider (cloudflare, vercel, … self h
Encrypt and decrypt a string.
Encodes cryptr output to be url safe
Crypto IV Cypher.
The Cyber Swiss Army Knife for encryption, encoding, compression and data analysis.
The Cyber Swiss Army Knife for encryption, encoding, compression and data analysis.
URL safe JS library for encrypting and decrypting
A Cypher DSL
This is a test package for myself
ES6 tagged template strings for prepared statements with neo4j