best practice with setInterval
best practice with setInterval
best practice with setTimeout and setInterval
Adds opinionated strict rules to scaffold the React components classes
eslint rules for ClouDoc
An ESLint plugin for clsx/classnames
private test
This plugin can be used to allow/forbid specific `import` specifiers in certain areas ("zones") of the codebase.
Eslint Plugins for improving code quality
ESLint rules for CodeCC
An ESLint plugin that provides rules that limit the line length of your comments
ESLint rules that limits the line length of your comments.
ESLint plugin to ensure comments consistency
commit code for prompt comment
A for-fun plugin that checks if multiline comments are in a certain format (haiku, iambic pentameter, etc.)
Not allowed some comment words
Forces exports to be commented
Not allowed some comment words
Promote American values in variable names
Checks built-in objects compatibility