Formats JS list in a i18n-safe way
Formats JS list in a i18n-safe way
Polyfill for: https://tc39.es/proposal-intl-displaynames
Intl.DateTimeFormat polyfill
Intl.getCanonicalLocales polyfill
Intl.Locale polyfill
A CLI for formatjs.
formatjs-related compiler macros
Utility library that extracts the CLDR data that's needed by the FormatJS libraries.
ESLint plugin for formatjs
formatjs intl binding for vue
Utility library that extracts the CLDR data that's needed by the FormatJS libraries.
Advanced typescript localization support for VueJS
Intl.LocaleMatcher ponyfill
Advanced localization support for VueJS
String formatting like Python's .format()
Translate i18n locale files with simpleen translation
formatjs intl binding for vue
<a href="https://www.npmjs.com/package/@nx-extend/translations" rel="nofollow"> <img src="https://badgen.net/npm/v/@nx-extend/translations" alt="@nx-extend/translations NPM package"> </a>
在 [intl-messageformat](https://formatjs.io/docs/intl-messageformat#formatvalues-method) 中,对于插值占位符有这么一段描述:
Simple i18n library based on the powerful formatjs.io