Library to help with the building of in-memory GraphQL services
Library to help with the building of in-memory GraphQL services
Allows breaking a gql schema up so that each part can be defined close to the code it describes
A tool that generates a strongly typed client library for any GraphQL endpoint. The client allows writing GraphQL queries as plain JS objects (with type safety, awesome code completion experience, custom scalar type mapping, type guards and more)
<p align="center"> <img src="https://github.com/dotansimha/graphql-code-generator/blob/master/logo.png?raw=true" /> </p>
library to get groups, projects, pipelines and commits from gitlab
Quick and easy GraphQL dataloaders for NestJS
Stuntman - HTTP proxy / mock API client
Stuntman - HTTP proxy / mock server with API
Stuntman - HTTP proxy / mock shared types and utils
A simple, typesafe GraphQL client for React
A simple, typesafe GraphQL client for React
Build a GraphQL schema by reflection over a PostgreSQL schema. Easy to customize since it's built with plugins on graphile-build
graphql mixin for vue
get-graphql-from-jsonschema gets a GraphQL schema from a JSON schema.
GQMock - GraphQL Mocking Service
Federated GQL Relay Object Identification implementation
A tool that generates a strongly typed client library for any GraphQL endpoint. The client allows writing GraphQL queries as plain JS objects (with type safety, awesome code completion experience, custom scalar type mapping, type guards and more)
Lightweight AWS AppSync client optimized for Lambda Node.js Runtime
A wrapper for your apollo graphql resolvers that uses your cache hints to cache the field
Apollo link for Artillery yaml generation