Clone of enquirer, that works in the browser
Clone of enquirer, that works in the browser
extends enquirer, and add es module import support
A collection of common interactive command line user interfaces.
Inquirer sortable checkbox prompt
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Standalone autocomplete cli prompt based on inquirer core
Standalone autocomplete cli prompt based on inquirer core
Stylish, intuitive and user-friendly prompt system. Fast and lightweight enough for small projects, powerful and extensible enough for the most advanced use cases.
Hydra is your answer to an open-source "yes-code" solution. Hydra is a app generation tool with resulting source code. Generated front-end support for Ionic/Angular. Restful microservice layer support for .NET Core. Back-end support for SQL Server. Other
Inquirer prompts, combined in a single package
Inquirer demos
Inquirer number prompt
Vendored version of figures, for CJS compatibility
Inquirer testing utilities
Inquirer core TS types
Inquirer rawlist prompt
Inquirer search prompt