ESLint shareable config for Flow to be used with eslint-config-xo
ESLint shareable config for Flow to be used with eslint-config-xo
Typescript ESLint shareable config
The classic and strict javascript lint-tool for gulp.js
ESLint shareable config for the Brainhub style
Wrapper for JSHint to allow hinting of JSX files
ESLint shareable config for Next.js to be used with eslint-config-xo
ESLint shareable config for Marlint
Automatically fixes your JavaScript based on lint rules
ESLint shareable config for 20 Minutes
ESLint shareable config for the Miovision style
Javascript code linter for traveloka js styleguide
Validate files with XO
JSLint XML reporter for gulp-jshint that saves the output to a file
ESLint shareable config for the Fliplet style
Validate files with ESLint v2
broccoli filter for standard formatting
ESLint config for opensphere
JSLint for Node.js
ESLint shareable config for the Kraftvaerk JavaScript style guide
Official ESLint shareable config for Vue to be used with eslint-config-xo