OBS Remote WebSocket implementation based on Kefir streams and partial lenses
OBS Remote WebSocket implementation based on Kefir streams and partial lenses
Access React component events as functional reactive streams
React Native Reactive Model-View architecture
Functional Reactive Virtual Dom Layout Engine
Convert various types of streams to Bacon.js streams.
A cycles.js stream adapter for Kefir
count the number of items that come over a kefir stream
Utility for dynamic enabling log of kefir observables
A collection of combinators and helpers for the Kefir library
GET requests as a kefir stream, in node and the browser
jQuery bindings for Kefir.js
make a $.ajax request, get a kefir stream back
Reactive model for Kefir
periodically poll a URL. get a kefir stream of responses.
Using kefir to create communicating processes.
Proxy kefir observables to buses which helps to break circular dependencies
React wrapper class for linking Kefir.js observables as props value
JSX with Kefir, healthy?
Create a function that samples related stream
Observable store with handy declarative syntax