A zero dependency javascript library that enables the night mode in your website easily
A zero dependency javascript library that enables the night mode in your website easily
An API that interacts with the Telescope service.
🌓 Add darkmode / nightmode to your website in a few seconds
listening to day night changes
Draw a starry sky for you~
Hyper theme with sick colors
Hyper theme with sunset colors
Monochrome Hyper theme based on the Night UI theme for Atom.
An updated, cute dark mode toggle button for React.
Calculate sleep cycles to wake up more refreshed.
A night-pharmacy API w/ Node.js
Automatically switch between dark and light themes at sunset and sunrise using the user's location.
Check if is night mode
Night Night is a simple program that allows you to put your website to sleep at bedtime, encouraging your users to go to bed, better supporting their health, wellbeing, and happiness.
Toggle OS X Night Shift
Smart dark mode switcher (based on location and time)
A simple drop down with a day and night theme
a utility for updating editor, OS and other themes based on the time of day
Auto handle tailwind dark color