Immutable structurally typed data
Immutable structurally typed data
The persistent fragment like class used in hyperHTML
Like Lego For Databases
Fork of HAMT that adds transient mutation and support for custom key types
A way to create persistent fragments
Simple cache config handling for your app or module
Immutable Sorted Data Collections
Immutable in-memory triplestore with Datalog queries
A custom React Hook that persist state from useReducer
A wrapper class for ssh2 to run multiple sequential commands in an SSH shell session, handle command responses, and tunnel through to other hosts using nested host objects
localstorage/sessionstorage persisted observables
Persistent Data Structures for JavaScript
Persistent execution context allowing you to get/set the context anywhere implemented using async hooks. Can be used to create request level execution context, a stack trace that persists through async resources, or anything else you need to survive the e
Persist your svelte store in localStorage or sessionStorage
Add persistent and nested layouts to your Next.js projects in a declarative way
Convert an array of objects into a persistent or temporary directory structure
A custom React Hook that provides a multi-instance, multi-tab/browser shared and persistent state.
Easily load and save config without having to think about where and how
Persist state to localstorage
Remember Me cookie authentication strategy for Passport.