A enhancement popover plugin for Bootstrap ,but you can use it stand-alone without Bootstrap!
A enhancement popover plugin for Bootstrap ,but you can use it stand-alone without Bootstrap!
An inline wrapper for calling out React Native components via tooltip
A <Popover /> component for react-native iOS, Android, and Web
Smart popover component for React. Closes when you click away, no need to reclick the trigger button to close it
Angular.js tooltips module.
An angular 15.0+ bootstrap confirmation popover
Vue.js 2+ popover component
Simple popover control for your angular (v4+) applications using bootstrap4 with smart reflection logic when overflowing the viewport. This is a continuation of ngx-popover (https://github.com/pleerock/ngx-popover). If you want to use it without bootstrap
Pure JS popover component for react-native
Font Awesome Icon Picker plugin for Twitter Bootstrap
Layer Components for React - Dialogs, Drawers, Tooltips, Popovers
React hook for Portals, which renders modals, dropdowns, tooltips etc. to <body> or else.
A Powerful Tooltip and Popover for Angular Applications
react native modal component
React tooltip component that follow mouse cursor. You can pass as this tooltip children any HTML element or other React component.
A smart popover component with animation support for ReactJS
A customisable popover component
A simple and highly customizable popover react higher order component with no other dependencies! Typescript friendly.
Popover component for Angular 2+ based on Popper.js library.
Medium-like text selection sharing without dependencies