Sensible formatting and ordering of package.json
Sensible formatting and ordering of package.json
beautify whatever
HTML markup formatter
This is a gulp plugin to beautify HTML files.
a Karma TAP Reporter and Prettifier
Inspired by lit-html but for Node.js
Simple and Lightweight React Component for displaying Json
Plugin for prettifying markdown with Remarkable using custom renderer rules.
Prettifies any javascript object in your console
Gulp plugin to minify or prettify xml, json, css, sql
Gulp plugin for beautifying markdown using pretty-remarkable.
prettify postcss output
Convert number to a human readable string: `13500` → `13.5K`
Pretty-cli is a lightweight utility that helps you to create nice looking command line interfaces. It forces a well structured output and gives unimited flexibility with its templating system without adding any overhead.
This project is totally fork from the Google Code Prettify. Address:
Beautify HTML, JS, CSS, and JSON in the browser or in Node.js!
Simple wrapper around esformatter to beautify javascript files overriding the content of the files
a simple and lightweight beautifier plugin for Fastify.
Beautify JSON with colors and indentation and print it on terminal
One Beautifier to rule them all