Generate sitemap for Gridsome sites
Generate sitemap for Gridsome sites
learning nodejs
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Some strange stuff
A DatoCMS plugin that gives you the ability to translate `structured-text`, `rich-text`, `string`, `text`, `seo` and `slug` fields in DatoCMS
Run SEO/Readability analysis using YoastSEO.js on your frontend everytime you make a change to the content of a record
A simple library to calculate the keyword density score from a text.
A tool for defective seo tag
ad control
Template tool to conveniently create your NextJS 13 project
This is a template set up to create Next.js App with fast speed and high performance<br/> The current template is provided in a **page routing** structure.<br/>
Connect middleware that allow the search engines, facebook, twitter crawlers... to read your webapp page
Efficient SEO-focused server for Wasm-generated pages
Custom components and utilities for Svelte and TailwindCSS (DaisyUI)
Generate Static HTML Pages from Single Page Applications
Redirect your urls for social bots to configure seo metas for them without SSR
galaxiat.serve.seo Node.js package allows you to easily cron crawl path that you want to have an html version (for dynamic rendering like React) without have to make SSR when request is passed.
Build dynamic open-graph preview images for gatsby pages. Simply use react components to create SEO ready preview images for Twitter, Facebook, Linkedin, Google, and many more.
A Gatsby plugin to generate images and PDFs from React components