Display a notification (macOS)
Display a notification (macOS)
Toggle elements with Stimulus and transitions
Detects the real width and height of the document.
Angular *ngIf directive that cache content. *ngxCacheIf directive render content when needed and cache it for reuse.
Stimulus controller to remove elements from the dom, and be notified with an event when they are added.
Simple fades in React
A unopinionated component to handle showing more results
A console panel in webpage to help 3 use-cases: show console message automatically ; debug mobile ; debug IE/Edge
Angular directive to truncate and expand text by it length
show loading plugin by Jim Keller. display loading indicator on any selected element. useful for ajax content
Clones console.log calls to a created div in the page. Great for demos and experiments.
Uses headings to create real time slideshows of Etherpad documents
Angular directive to truncate and expand text by it lenght
Kodi plugin for Homebridge
Angular directive to truncate and expand text by it length. forked from ng-text-truncate by Pavel Konan
Get package info for one or more packages.
Gulp task lister
npm or yarn link common modules between a project and a monorepo/multi-packages dir
It will get torrents for you right in your terminal
A JavaScript-controlled splash-screen designed to be run directly after the native splash-screen.