Static site generator with better theme support
Static site generator with better theme support
Yet another static site generator in NodeJS focussed on being fast and simple. Mangony fulfills just one task: It takes templates (like handlebars or jsx) and compiles them to an output directory.
CLI for Carbon
Stencil Static Site Generation Utilities
Adds edge.js template support to Carbon
AksahsCMS Plugin providing base website functionality.
Static site generator with asset optimization and versioning.
spin your own yarn
Server Side Includes parser plugin for gulp
Docgeni - Core Library
List of output directories of most static site generators.
Refrain from unnecessary building.
Permalinks plugin for Assemble, the static site generator for Grunt.js, Yeoman and Node.js. This plugin enables powerful and configurable URI patterns, [Moment.js](http://momentjs.com/) for parsing dates, much more.
A simple static site generator powered by Node.js, Webpack, and Browsersync
Sambal CLI tools
Grunt with refrain.
A json-ld static site generator
Build tool for static websites. Bring your own rendering engine. Works well with React and Netlify CMS
the grunt plugin that powers tobiko static site generator
Handlebars template bulk compiler to help generate static sites