Node-eventstore is a node.js module for multiple databases. It can be very useful as eventstore if you work with (d)ddd, cqrs, eventsourcing, commands and events, etc.
Node-eventstore is a node.js module for multiple databases. It can be very useful as eventstore if you work with (d)ddd, cqrs, eventsourcing, commands and events, etc.
Sessionstore is a node.js module for multiple databases. It can be very useful if you work with express or connect.
Node-viewmodel is a node.js module for multiple databases. It can be very useful if you work with (d)ddd, cqrs, eventdenormalizer, host, etc.
ORM for every database: redis, mysql, neo4j, mongodb, rethinkdb, postgres, sqlite, tingodb
CrossDB session store for Connect and ExpressJS
RestFul application generator based on CaminteJS ORM
Mongoose driver for TingoDB embedded database
Tingo component for the simpleschema module
eventric TingoDB Store Adapter
Command line interface for CaminteJS ORM
Based on Sessionstore by Adriano Raiano, this npm adds the additional connector to IBM's Cloudant Database, which is a production deployment of couchdb.
Minimal Express.js middleware exposing REST-API for TingoDB
Shelloid-sessionstore is a customized clone of the popular Sessionstore project for integration Shelloid application server.
A Tingodb implementation of the LevelDOWN API
Cloning ORM for database: postgres
Embedded, file-based database with MongoDB-like API for Node.js
TingoDB adapter for Sails.js
A wrapper over MongoDB / TingoDB which allows to quickly switch between them
ORM for every database: redis, mysql, neo4j, mongodb, rethinkdb, postgres, sqlite, tingodb
TingoDB nodes