vue fullpage plugin
vue fullpage plugin
vue-cli 3 plugin to add @kummy/vue-cli-plugin-demo
Next.js plugin for PurgeIcons
Easily Build Your Vue.js App For Desktop With Electron
Easily Build Your Vue.js App For Desktop With Electron
A vue plugin that enhances localStorage/sessionStorage (supports vue2 and vue3). It allows two-way binding of storage data, multi-page data binding, storage event listener, and rich api (async/sync)
A Vue Cli 3 plugin for Electron with no required configuration
vue cli plugin.It can transform that the size of your code like wpx or px or hpx to vw or vh for adapt screen!
vue cli plugin, transform px to rem for adapt in mobile. the base lib is flexible.js
Custom directive for binding whole objects to components
vue-cli plugin to print env vars
vue cli for create component alert by vue-cli-plugin-compalert
vue-plus-libs plugin for `@vue/cli` 4.5.
vue-plus-libs plugin for `@vue/cli` 4.5.
vue-cli plugin for busy-front
A Vue Cli 3 plugin to import content with marked
vue-cli-plugin-wgt 是一个基于 vue-cli 的 uni-app 工程的 wgt 包生成插件
automatically generate alias based on path