CLI for webpack & friends
CLI for webpack & friends
A Webpack plugin to optimize \ minimize CSS assets.
Copy files && directories with webpack
A Webpack plugin that allows to transform \ modify assets just before Webpack emits them.
Webpack loader that resolves relative paths in url() statements based on the original source file
Webpack loader that adjusts source maps
SVGR webpack loader.
Webpack plugin and CLI utility that represents bundle content as convenient interactive zoomable treemap
A ESlint loader for webpack
TypeScript loader for webpack
Webpack hot reloading you can attach to your own server
A plugin for your Webpack build process, helping you generate a manifest of local files that workbox-sw should precache.
A simple webpack plugin to support dotenv.
A Less loader for webpack. Compiles Less to CSS.
An **EXPERIMENTAL** Webpack plugin to enable "Fast Refresh" (also previously known as _Hot Reloading_) for React components.
extracts inlined source map and offers it to webpack
Webpack Virtual Modules
Stylus loader for webpack
Webpack plugin that AoT compiles your Angular components and modules.
Outputs licenses from 3rd party libraries to a file