A QR code scanner for React
A QR code scanner for React
Rollup plugin to handle Web Workers
Plugins for Web Workers
makes one way message responsive, enhance postMessage/storageEvent/chrome extension scripts
launch a web worker at runtime that can require() in the browser with webpack
Rollup plugin to handle Web Workers
Make worker easy, more simple than Comlink
demonstrates using ampersand and webworkers together
React Worker Components simplify using Web Workers
Stop worrying about your Worker's environment
Key-Value storage base on Cache API
BrightScript Emulator
ORM for accessing indexedDB as a promise base api implementation.
[English](https://github.com/mchao123/better-webworker/blob/main/README.md) | [中文](https://github.com/mchao123/better-webworker/blob/main/README.zh-CN.md)
Turns ChildProcess IPC into MessagePort
Network Status Checker for Browser Client
A TypeScript-based cross-context messaging library
Consistent Web Workers in browser and Node.
simplified cross worker API for web workers and worker threads