transform websocket encrypt proxy into normal local proxy, support CDN. 将远端的加密websocket代理转成本地普通代理,支持CDN中转
a module for http/s and ws/s servers
Simple react/typescript vnc viewer. Based on noVNC.
This package works as a workaround ssh by using websockets and child_process. It is suitable for people who can't have ssh on their server or don't have root access to install ssh.
WebSocket server for express while being compatible with other websocket servers like webpack-hot-client or next.js
OnlinePBX WebSockets API 2.0 Library (for Node.JS)
PieSocket NodeJS SDK for server-side publishing
[ESM] The WebSocket (ws) handler for Node.js according to rfc6455, draft-ietf-hybi-thewebsocketprotocol-08 and draft-ietf-hybi-thewebsocketprotocol-13
Ledger Vault transport
Falcon is a lightweight HTTP client and server framework for Node.js
A straightforward forward-proxy.
WS WebSocket client wrapper to automatically reconnect lost or disconnected connections.
WS WebSocket client wrapper to automatically reconnect lost or disconnected connections.
Package with WebSocket improvements
Sodacore ws is a core plugin that extends the Http plugin offering WebSocket support to the Sodacore framework.
EWS (Easy WebSocket Or Express WebSocket) Is An Easy To Use WebSocket Server For Frameworks Like Express
A straightforward forward-proxy.
Implement secure websocket (wss://) server that echos each message frame