Generator & Coroutine-based task runner. Fasten your seatbelt.
Generator & Coroutine-based task runner. Fasten your seatbelt.
Angular Architect CLI
Build system for web sites and applications
Compile your LESS stylesheets using JSON and underscore.
Build system for Java
This package provides a thin layer for the Google Closure Compiler package that allows additional configuration such as compilation units and inheritance of configuration files. The offered functionality is a VERY LIGHTWEIGHT make system for Node.js.
Rapid build system utilizing Node.js, Express and AngularJS.
A wrapper package of `@hela/core` and `@hela/cli`.
Utilities built for the Assemble project.
A marginal build system
A build system for managing cross-platform design systems using design tokens.
An integrated build and deploy system for modern web languages.
A simple task runner
The easy script runner
a simple task runner
A simple npm task runner.
NPrezz is a full-featured static site generator
Front-End Gulp build system and boilerplate.
A task runner and a build system