A directive for creating resizable containers in angular.
A directive for creating resizable containers in angular.
Browerify angularjs shim
An integrated build and deploy system for modern web languages.
AngularJS multiselect dropdown directive originally developed by [Stephen Long]( for his blog. Due to the fact that I have made several changes to the directive and my recent decision to move to the
Convert some variables.less to JSON to be used in Javascript
Tag-Commander wrapper for AngularJS
A directive for creating resizable containers in angular.
Node.js source code inspector for AngularJS projects.
AngularJS module for using the Wikitude cordova plugin in an Ionic project.
A directive for creating resizable containers in angular. Fork of angular-resizable
AngulaJS material dialog customised for use in my projects.
A directive for creating resizable containers in angular.
A Yeoman generator for creating AngularJS, ReactJS and NodeJS Applications
AngularJS material customised for use in my projects.
AngularJS tri-State checkbox directive originally developed by [Stephen Long]( for his blog. Due to the fact that I have made several changes to the directive and my recent decision to move to the ne
AngularJS directive used for picking up file(s) on input of type file to be made available in the $scope and assigned to the binded model
AngularJS Module for Atom Electron
A directive for creating resizable containers in angular.
Module for Sirv Media Viewer by Angular
Module for Sirv Media Viewer by Angular