Elixir dictionary for cspell.
Elixir dictionary for cspell.
🦅 cli syntax highlighting: any function - any object - 176 languages
Elixir dictionary for cspell.
Laravel Elixir Core
A CodeMirror mode for the Elixir language
Listen to realtime updates to your PostgreSQL database
Laravel Elixir Browsersync integration.
Laravel Elixir Webpack integration
🦅 cli syntax highlighting: any function - any object - 176 languages
Laravel Elixir Browserify Integration
Elxir/Phoenix awesomeness for Ember.js apps
🦅 cli syntax highlighting: any function - any object - 176 languages
Laravel Elixir Vueify Support
coc.nvim elixir extension
Minify html files with Laravel Elixir
Generate new task for Laravel Elixir.
Prettier plugin for .html.eex and .html.leex files
A package to provide support for compiling React JSX files in Laravel Elixir 6
Interface to make node-erlang communication, integrate a nodejs gen_server into your erlang application
Laravel Elixir Vue Integration