TypeScript declaration file that allows using 'import' with *.vue files
TypeScript declaration file that allows using 'import' with *.vue files
Autocomplete text-input made with VueJs
Laravel Elixir Vueify Support
Jest preprocessor.js for Vue.js components and TypeScript
Compile .vue files using vueify
Translate `.vue` files to pure JavaScript, without using Browserify.
Decorators to transform TypeScript classes to vue components
Compile .vue files using vueify, with Vue2 and extractCSS support
Browserify plugin to extract css when using vueify. Derived from stackcss/css-extract
Vue component transform for Browserify supporting babel@7
Laravel Elixir Vueify Support (for Vue 2.0)
BootstrapVue provides one of the most comprehensive implementations of Bootstrap 4 components and grid system for Vue.js and with extensive and automated WAI-ARIA accessibility markup.
BootstrapVue provides one of the most comprehensive implementations of Bootstrap 4 components and grid system for Vue.js and with extensive and automated WAI-ARIA accessibility markup.
only for local test
exports vueify@8
BootstrapVue provides one of the most comprehensive implementations of Bootstrap 4 components and grid system for Vue.js and with extensive and automated WAI-ARIA accessibility markup.
Component for vue that will only show its children when an ajax call is successful.
A VueJs powered Sidebar -> A SideVue
exports vueify@9
Super simple browserify transform for Vue components. No magic.