Parse and validate RFC6838 media types, anything from 'text/plain' to 'application/;charset=utf8'
Parse and validate RFC6838 media types, anything from 'text/plain' to 'application/;charset=utf8'
Opiniated HATEAOS / Rest client.
Client library for HATEOAS level 3 RESTful APIs that provide hypermedia controls
Automatic API browser generator. A middleware that turns your JSON responses into HTML if accessed by a browser.
Extends express res.json to simplify building HATEOAS enabled REST API's
Set links and Link header for baucis JSON responses.'
Do it right or how you like!
Ketting bindings for React
Express middleware creating for HATEOAS level 3 RESTful/Hypermedia APIs
Set links and Link header for baucis JSON responses.'
queryfilters ============
abaaso is a modern, lightweight Enterprise class RESTful JavaScript application framework.
Module for getting and putting HAL resources
This package will generate HATEOAS links automatically based on a configuration file.
Opiniated HATEAOS / Rest client.
hal client for spring data rest with hateoas
A hypermedia standard development kit for knowing about home api endpoints
Angular router for RESTful clients
extends restify with JSON HAL
Open-source, full-stack, node.js and browser utility library for Javascript web api development.