hast utility to create trees
hast utility to create trees
unist utility to create a new trees with a nice syntax
A hyperscript helper for creating Slate documents.
tagged template string virtual dom builder
Convert hyperscript attributes to properties
The Tagged Template syntax for Virtual DOM. Only browser-compatible syntax.
Hyperscript compatible DSL for creating virtual HAST trees
Elegant DSL for React
Hyperscript syntax for React.js markup
Render Mobiledoc as VDOM, for React or React-like `createElement` calls
This plugin transforms react-hyperscript into JSX
Hyperscript reviver that constructs a sanitized HTML string.
Terse syntax for hyperscript
Create observables and map them to DOM elements. Massively inspired by hyperscript and observ-*. No virtual dom, just direct observable bindings. Unnecessary garbage collection is avoided by using mutable objects instead of blasting immutable junk all ove
JSX transpiler. Desugar JSX into JavaScript. A standard and configurable implementation of JSX decoupled from React.
Parse hyperscript selector strings
Babel plugin to compile JSX to Tagged Templates.
Terse syntax for hyperscript using react
Enchanted hyperscript weapon.
A hyperscript helper for creating Slate documents.