Synthetic HTML DOM for use with parsing within React-RTE
Synthetic HTML DOM for use with parsing within React-RTE
tagged template string virtual dom builder
Convert hyperscript attributes to properties
Perform virtual DOM updates based on changes to a data model.
UI Components + streaming, async, high performance, HTML templating for Node.js and the browser.
The Cycle.js run() function to use with xstream
Virtualize any DOM node and turn it into a virtual-dom node.
A utility function to make scoped dataflow components in Cycle.js
A simple extension to native elements
VirtualDOM abstraction layer - give yourself better integration and full control over the DOM with any virtual DOM library that uses a Hyperscript-like API such as React and Preact.
The standard DOM Driver for Cycle.js, based on Snabbdom
Terse syntax for hyperscript
Write snabbdom views using JSX and Babel
JSX transpiler. Desugar JSX into JavaScript. A standard and configurable implementation of JSX decoupled from React.
Wraps your Cycle.js main function with reducer-driven state management
Define and insert CSS via javascript. This also generates unique class and id names automatically. Handy when using virtual-dom (or react) inline css as your primary styling.
A client-side DOM to vdom parser based on DOMParser API, compatible with virtual-dom
The Cycle run() function meant to be used with RxJS v5
Zorium, The CoffeeScript Web Framework. Zorium offers a full virtual-dom experience, similar to react, without the need for jsx. For more documentation see
a React16-compact mini framework