Converts a source-map from/to different formats and allows adding/changing properties.
Converts a source-map from/to different formats and allows adding/changing properties.
Resolve the source map and/or sources for a generated file.
Source maps support for istanbul
Modify strings, generate sourcemaps
Encode/decode sourcemap mappings
A Jest transformer with source map support that lets you use Jest to test projects written in TypeScript
Merge old source map and new source map in multi-transform flow
Webpack loader that adjusts source maps
Generate, and decode, base64 VLQ mappings for source maps and other uses
Karma plugin for inline sourcemap support
Add/write sourcemaps to/from Vinyl files.
A Webpack loader that uses Istanbul to add code coverage instrumentation
Add source maps of multiple files, offset them and then combine them into one source map
Gulp plugin for mapping sources of a sourcemap.
Gulp plugin for generating an identity sourcemap for a file.
Rollup plugin for grabbing source maps from sourceMappingURLs
Map all the things, check all the maps
A Webpack loader that uses Istanbul to add code coverage instrumentation
Create an inline source map comment from a source map
Reads a source file and extracts a sourcemap for consumption (inline or external)