(Meta)observability for EventEmitters.
(Meta)observability for EventEmitters.
A library for serializing and reading JSON API standardized data in JavaScript.
Output Solidity contract sizes with Hardhat
Export Ethereum smart contract ABIs on compilation
Make continuation-local storage play nice with node-redis.
Prepend local Solidity source files with an SPDX License Identifier
🕹️ a cross-platform utility to update your World of Warcraft addons
wow so syntax very doge much future
Manage World of Warcraft addons, upload WCL, etc.
DSON serialization such read much write wow wow wow
Prepend local Solidity source files with an SPDX License Identifier
A fantasy name generator
Remove Hardhat console.log imports and calls from Solidity source files
基于 animation.css 的滚动显示动画。 Scroll animation display based on animation.css.
Generate NatSpec documentation automatically on compilation
Enable Allow2Automate management of Battle.Net parental controls
Predict the color of a batch of beer, and convert between known color values and web-friendly hex.
Compile Solidity sources directly from NPM dependencies