Paper-sized WYSIWYG document editor for Vue apps
Paper-sized WYSIWYG document editor for Vue apps
Paper size detector
Paper Size utilities
The world's most maintainable way to create paper-printable documents 🖨💘
Convert html to A4 template, which helps to preview and ensure the print styles
This library is built to provide a solution for printing on html elements.
This library is built to provide a solution for printing on html elements (SD team only).
A heft plugin package for Nest.js projects.
A rig package for Nest.js projects that build using Heft build system.
A library for loading configuration information in `@hz-9/a4-*` applications. It supports multiple configuration loading schemes.
The core library for the `@hz-9/a4-*` series of repositories.
A library for performing CRUD operations with Elasticsearch in `@hz-9/a4-*` applications. It provides multi-instance connections to Elasticsearch, offers ORM capabilities, and provides a set of functions for managing indices.
A library for performing CRUD operations with [TypeORM] in `@hz-9/a4-*` applications. It provides a set of functions for managing entities.
A library for generating and previewing API documentation in `@hz-9/a4-*` applications. It provides [OpenAPI] documentation generation and preview capabilities.
A library for using redlock in `@hz-9/a4-*` applications. It internally utilizes [redlock]( for handling distributed locks.
A library for a logging module in @hz-9/a4-* applications. It utilizes [log4js] for implementation.
A library for microservice RPC communication in `@hz-9/a4-*` applications. It is implemented based on `@nest/microservices`.
A library for network module in `@hz-9/a4-*` applications. It provides functionality to retrieve the current network interface cards and available port numbers.
A library for a registry center module in @hz-9/a4-* applications. It utilizes [@rocketsoftware/eureka-js-client] for implementation.
A library for safe module in `@hz-9/a4-*` applications. It controls CORS configuration and utilizes Helmet for security defenses.