A simple API framework using Flexible Persistence
A simple API framework using Flexible Persistence
A simple API framework using Flexible Persistence
A simple API framework using Flexible Persistence for Next
A simple API framework using Flexible Persistence
A simple API framework using Flexible Persistence
An API framework using Koa 2 built using RAML
Command line interface for Kites Framework
A simple API framework using Flexible Persistence
Un framework ligero para construir APIs REST con TypeScript y SWC
A simple API framework using Flexible Persistence
A simple API framework using Flexible Persistence
A simple API framework using Flexible Persistence
Core Engine of Kites
Command line interface for rapid Beech API development
A simple API framework using Flexible Persistence
**burger-api** is a modern, open source API framework built on [Bun.js](https://bun.sh). It combines the simplicity of file-based routing with powerful features like built-in middleware, Zod-based schema validation, and automatic OpenAPI generation. Desig
simplifies the creation of restful api for an entity