Detect the file type of a file, stream, or data
Detect the file type of a file, stream, or data
i18n for ISO 3166-1 country codes
Easily display interactive 3D models on the web and in AR!
i18n for ISO 639 language codes
React component for 2D, 3D, VR and AR force directed graphs
PlayCanvas WebGL game engine
i18n for ISO 3166-1 country codes
A collection of design patterns for the Unity software that can be beneficial in (but not limited to) spatial computing development.
A collection of productive prefabs for rapidly building spatial computing solutions in the Unity software.
i18n for ISO 3166-1 country codes
A camera rig prefab that simulates spatial hardware for the Unity software.
Detect the file type of a Buffer/Uint8Array
VR/AR for react-three-fiber
A Tracked Alias prefab providing generic aliases to the active camera rig prefab for the Unity software.
A camera rig prefab utilizing the legacy XR management system for the Unity software.
Detect the file type of a Buffer/Uint8Array in ES5 (can be used for browser and create-react-app
Input wrappers for the Unity Input Manager and a collection of common input prefabs.
Detect the file type of a Buffer/Uint8Array
country names by Alpha-2 country code in multiple languages
a library on top of three.js to help in creating 3D user interfaces