🦅 cli syntax highlighting: any function - any object - 176 languages
🦅 cli syntax highlighting: any function - any object - 176 languages
A pure JavaScript implemetation of MODBUS-RTU (Serial and TCP) for NodeJS.
The JavaScript Robotics and Hardware Programming Framework. Use with: Arduino (all models), Electric Imp, Beagle Bone, Intel Galileo & Edison, Linino One, Pinoccio, pcDuino3, Raspberry Pi, Particle/Spark Core & Photon, Tessel 2, TI Launchpad and more!
Collection of Node.JS helpers for PlatformIO
🦅 cli syntax highlighting: any function - any object - 176 languages
Bluetooth Serial Communication Plugin
Javascript's God Mode. No VM. No Bytecode. No GC. Just native binaries.
🦅 cli syntax highlighting: any function - any object - 176 languages
A Node-RED node to talk to an Arduino running firmata
Farmbot Javascript client.
A struct library for reading and writing binary data structures that interface with C/C++ code
Code.org fork of rwaldron/johnny-five: The JavaScript Robotics and Hardware Programming Framework. Use with: Arduino (all models), Electric Imp, Beagle Bone, Intel Galileo & Edison, Linino One, Pinoccio, pcDuino3, Raspberry Pi, Particle/Spark Core & Photo
A web-based interface for CNC milling controller running Grbl, Marlin, Smoothieware, or TinyG
Library to use a physical button with LowJS
Fully javascript stk500v1 programmer. Allows you to program Arduinos straight from node (or browser for that matter). No more avrdude system calls or using the arduino IDE.
STK500 v2 programmer in javascript
A NodeJS library for flashing compiled sketch files to Arduino microcontroller boards.
A serial server for p5.serialport.js
Nodes for IDM and DUO
JS module providing discovery of the Arduino Create Plugin and communication with it