Avro for JavaScript
Avro for JavaScript
Generate mock messages from an avro schema
kafka avro serialization
Avro serialization
Generate schemas for flowtype definitions
Avro data streams
json & avro schema registry
Helper functions to convert JSON objects to Avro according to your schema. And back to JSON.
This project is a clone of mtth/avsc repo with modifications required by CDAP
kafka avro serialization
Avro IDL parsing
Avro Encoder Decoder
declare an avro schema from typescript
Generate mock messages from an pdsc schema
NodeJS AVRO Helpers for @donsky namespace
kafka avro serialization
Avro for JavaScript
Javascript umd module for avsc
Node web server (koajs), extending routes to a message queue (amqp 0-9-1) of 'topic' and 'action'.
NodeJS Service for message queue (amqp 0-9-1) of 'topic' and 'action' responding