Functions to mock the JavaScript aws-sdk
Functions to mock the JavaScript aws-sdk
Enables you to deploy your gatsby site to a S3 bucket.
Encapsulates boilerplate AWS config setup
open telemetry instrumentation for the `aws-sdk` package
A thin wrapping layer around the aws-sdk package for clean NestJS dependency injection.
Wrapper around aws-sdk
A plugin multer to transform image and upload to AWS S3
Easily mock aws-sdk API methods to enable easier testing of applications which use the AWS SDK for JavaScript
Provides a function to paginate over a list function on aws-sdk
A DynamoDB library that extends aws-sdk with bulk read/write, events, streams, and more
Parameter cache for AWS System Manager Parameter Store and AWS Secrets Manager
simple libraray for jest-tested projects to create jest mock for js aws-sdk .promise() calls
open telemetry instrumentation for the `aws-sdk` package
For building complete result sets from the AWS DynamoDB API DocumentClient class
This library provides simple mock methods for aws-sdk in Jest testing.
Dynamically generate a DynamoDB data access layer from an .arc file
configurable gulp task for uploading to aws-s3 bucket
Hack for adding the .promise() method to all aws-sdk request objects (aws-sdk is a peerDependency)
Library for generating CloudFormation templates
Starter kit for aws tasks