The most advanced BLS library for JavaScript
The most advanced BLS library for JavaScript
Implementation of bls signature verification for ethereum 2.0
Typescript key management tool that works in the browser
Fastest JS implementation of BLS12-381. Auditable, secure, 0-dependency aggregated signatures & pairings
Implementation of bls signature verification for ethereum 2.0
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Typescript wrapper for supranational/blst native bindings, a highly performant BLS12-381 signature library
A client to the drand randomness beacon network.
Convert US prices from one year (and month if you want) to another.
An API wrapper for
this library provides primitives for creating and verifying BLS threshold signatures
Bureau of Labor Statistics API 2.0 Wrapper for Node.js
A Node.js interface for CPI-U data provided by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics
Minimal & secure BLS12-381 Key Generation compatible with EIP-2333, EIP-2334
Babel transform for buildless
EJS transform for buildless
[![npm version](](
Implementation of bls signature verification for ethereum 2.0
US CPI historical data.
ES binding to blst BLS12-381 signature library using Wasm