Fast, reliable cipher, hash and hmac methods executed in Node's threadpool for multi-core throughput.
Fast, reliable cipher, hash and hmac methods executed in Node's threadpool for multi-core throughput.
Fast, reliable cipher, hash and hmac methods executed in Node's threadpool for multi-core throughput.
Hybrid EC encryption scheme that EC curve secp256k1, and chacha20-poly1305 or aes-256-gcm to encrypt data. The returned data is a packed Buffer with the public key, nonce/iv, tag, and encrypted data.
Authenticated encryption on arbitrary large files
Hybred EC encrytion scheme that EC curve secp256k1, and chacha20-poly1305 to encrypt data. The returned data is a packed Buffer with the public key, nonce, tag, and encrypted data.
Streaming authenticated encryption using ChaCha20-Poly1305
Pull stream of authenticated encryption ChaCha20-Poly1305
Streaming file encryption for Node.js using AES-256-GCM, HKDF and HMAC.
A TypeScript implementation of the Autograph protocol
A CLI and programmatic tool for encryption/decryption supporting AES-GCM and ChaCha20-Poly1305 algorithms, with text encoding options and line-by-line text file processing.
The Autograph protocol for Expo