Simple command line prompting utility
Simple command line prompting utility
Create an array of multiple choice objects for use in prompts.
Question object, used by Enquirer and prompt plugins.
Base prompt module used for creating custom prompts.
Separator for choices arrays in prompts. Based on the Separator from inquirer.
Paginator used for rendering lists or choices for prompts in the terminal.
Create a readline interface with default settings to use in prompts.
Confirm (yes/no) prompt. Can be used standalone or with a prompt system like [Enquirer].
Plugin for base-methods that adds methods for prompting the user and storing the answers on a project-by-project basis.
Easily create a normalized inquirer choices question. Supports all of the `choices` question types: checkbox, list, rawlist, expand
List-style prompt. Can be used as a standalone prompt, or with a prompt system like [enquirer].
co using your choice of promise implementation
Password prompt. Can be used as a standalone prompt, or as a plugin for [Enquirer].
Multiple-choice/checkbox prompt. Can be used standalone or with a prompt system like [Enquirer].
Radio prompt. Can be used as a standalone prompt, or as a plugin for [Enquirer].
Basic text input prompt. This can be used standalone, but it's also included in [enquirer] by default.
Expand prompt. Can be used as a standalone prompt, or with a prompt system like [Enquirer].
Rawlist prompt. Can be used as a standalone prompt, or with a prompt system like [Enquirer].
Typical random-related functions for JavaScript.
Easy and beautiful CLI multiple-choice selection