A simple utility for conditionally joining classNames together
A simple utility for conditionally joining classNames together
A tiny (239B) utility for constructing className strings conditionally.
Jest's preprocessor for css, sass, less, stylus modules generated with Webpack
Yet another classname string builder (the fastest one)
A tiny library for serializing Object values to Strings.
Component for writing plaintext CSS in React apps -- isomorphic, scoped, FOUC-free, fully featured, CSS-in-JS
Friendly BEM class names generator, greate for React
Easy configuration of class names
Babel plugin to optimize `obj-str` calls.
Helpers for composing and parsing BEM classNames
Useful components and utilities for working with React
A simple utility to manage BEM class names on React
BEM class names generator for TypeScript
BEM class name generator for Vue.JS
Allows you to easily manage BEM mods & mixes in React
Advanced generator of BEM class names
A function used to construct BEM class names.
BEM class name generator for webpack css modules
A simple utility for conditionally joining classNames together
A light wrapper around clsx for deduping