JavaScript Conflux Software Development Kit
JavaScript Conflux Software Development Kit
A simple standard interface for a seed phrase generated set of Ethereum accounts.
A module for managing various keyrings of Ethereum accounts, encrypting them, and using them.
A simple standard interface for a series of Conflux private keys.
Coflux-Truffle - Simple development framework for Ethereum
A mapping of conflux contract addresses to broadly accepted icons for those addresses.
JavaScript Conflux Software Development Kit
Coflux-Truffle - Simple development framework for Conflux
A simple module for handling Conflux units (e.g. 'drip', 'cfx', etc...)
Lightweight Conflux libraries
An simple module for creating, manipulating and signing Conflux transactions
a collection of utility functions for Conflux
React Context + Hooks implementation of the Flux pattern
Modern and minimalist React UI library.
A simple, maximally extensible, dependency minimized framework for building modern Conflux dApps
Modern and minimalist React UI library.
JavaScript Conflux Software Development Kit
Libreria para consulta de RUC, DNI y AFP.
Hardhat js-conflux-sdk plugin
with Conflux