Cordova Globalization Plugin
Cordova Globalization Plugin
OneSignal is a high volume Push Notification service for mobile apps. In addition to basic notification delivery, OneSignal also provides tools to localize, target, schedule, and automate notifications that you send.
Cordova Contacts Plugin
[DEPRECATED] Cordova Device Motion Plugin
Cordova Email Plugin
Cordova SQLite Plugin
Cordova InAppBrowser Plugin with WKWebView for iOS
Cordova Device Plugin
Cordova Splashscreen Plugin
This plugin allows your application to receive push notifications on Android, iOS, WP8 and Windows8 devices. Android uses Google Cloud Messaging. iOS uses Apple APNS Notifications. WP8 uses Microsoft MPNS Notifications. Windows8 uses Microsoft WNS No
Kommunicate is a customer communication software for growing businesses for building long-lasting customer relationships that drive growth.
Cordova InAppBrowser Plugin
Cordova Splashscreen Plugin with iPhone X support
Cordova plugin to send push notification on Android, iOS, WP8 and Windows8 devices.
Cordova File Plugin
Cordova File Transfer Plugin
Cordova SQLite plugin with a straightforward low-level API
This is fork of to support AWS SNS registration. This plugin allows your application to receive push notifications on Android, iOS, WP8 and Windows8 devices. Android uses Google Cloud Messaging.
Cordova File Transfer Plugin