Determine if the JS environment has Symbol support. Supports spec, or shams.
Determine if the JS environment has Symbol support. Supports spec, or shams.
a webpack plugin that transforms core-js v2 paths to core-js v3 paths
ctx-core core-js
`core-js`'s `web/url.js` prebundled for the browser
Polyfill gatsby with core-js
Build a polyfill file using core-js modules
A `best-shot` preset for babel compiler
A `babel` preset for modern javascript syntaxes
core-js builder as a Webpack Plugin
Use babel-runtime@6.x with core-js@3.x or use both babel-runtime@6.x and @babel/runtime@7.x
Manpacker babel presets core encapsulation
Manpacker babel presets react
Yeoman generator for ES6-based NPM modules using core-js and Mocha.
Polyfills generator for a full ES2015+ environment support in TypeScript projects
Polyfills generator for a full ES2015+ environment support in TypeScript projects
Wrapper containing polyfill features and indexedDB
zen-observable helpers
Custom build for es language shims
ensure @babel/(runtime && polyfill) are installed
core-js builder as a Webpack 3 Plugin