get relative position from an event
get relative position from an event
Add a Github banner to your project page. A React version of:
QRibbon - Quasar App Extension
QRibbon - Quasar component
Tholmans github-corners for VueJS
React portals + Github corners
Add a ribbon in the corner of your website.
A modern and global open source fork corner label for your project's landing page.
Round the corner of two line segments with an arc.
Storybook decorator to render the Github corner
A plugin for setting corner of docsify.
CSS sharp corners
Luna Framework
This plugin tracks cursor position values. Like position on x or y axis and angle. It's dependent on jQuery.
Responsive labels appearing as ribbons around the corner of their parent
A smart corner label for React Native app
Helps you to put alerts in the page corners
Responsive labels appearing as ribbons around the corner of their parent
A small library for rounding corners