get relative position from an event
get relative position from an event
Add a Github banner to your project page. A React version of:
QRibbon - Quasar App Extension
QRibbon - Quasar component
Tholmans github-corners for VueJS
React portals + Github corners
Add a ribbon in the corner of your website.
A modern and global open source fork corner label for your project's landing page.
Round the corner of two line segments with an arc.
Storybook decorator to render the Github corner
A plugin for setting corner of docsify.
CSS sharp corners
Luna Framework
Responsive labels appearing as ribbons around the corner of their parent
This plugin tracks cursor position values. Like position on x or y axis and angle. It's dependent on jQuery.
A smart corner label for React Native app
Responsive labels appearing as ribbons around the corner of their parent
Helps you to put alerts in the page corners
A small library for rounding corners