Valida e formata strings de CPF ou CNPJ.
Valida e formata strings de CPF ou CNPJ.
Validate, generate and format CPF numbers
Validate, generate and format CPF/CNPJ numbers
A library of validations applicable to several Brazilian data like I.E., CNPJ, CPF and others
Biblioteca JS para gerar e validar CPF (Cadastro de Pessoas Físicas) do Brasil.
Return CPF formatted with mask.
Validador de CPF Moderno, Isomórfico e Super Leve.
Validador de CPF
Generate random Brazilian CPF document numbers.
Validate CPF Numbers (for Node.js and browsers)
A collection of useful validators
validacao de cpf e cnpj
A library of masks applicable to several Brazilian data like I.E., CNPJ, CPF and others
A collection of useful formatters
Utilities functions to handle brazilian CPF
[](https://travis-ci.org/fengyuanchen/cropperjs) [](https://www.npmjs.com/package/angular-validate-br) [![Ve
Modulo para validação de registro
Determine if a variable is a valid CPF
Mask components to vuetify 2
An Angular library of masks applicable to several Brazilian data.