Express boilerplate
Express boilerplate
Create express application through simple CLI
A script that generates express skeleton project using best practices and security.
Create a Mern app with the best folder structure just like create-react-app
node-ex its basic framework for node express server with mongo db support
A CLI tool to get boilerplate code for a REST api using express
A basic cli that creates a backend service.
CLI for creating a simple hello world express app
This package is used to setup the file structure of your express app with just 1 command which reduces your time to setup the boiler code
Fast create your app express.js
Custom Express app generator
Create Express app is a tamplate which is use to Create a express app templete api
Creates basic but well structured express.js api in my-api directory
Generate a boilerplate for a NodeJs Express and MongoDB CRUD application with best practices.
Npm package to create Express apps with templates
Create Express application with no configuration using the clean architecture pattren
A cli app to create an expressjs boiler plate.
A simple express cli to generate express app simply by running a command, similar to express-generator
A gen3 tool to generate express app boilerplate.