Provides validation of data types
Provides validation of data types
User friendly declarative schemas
Library for model of database and javascript
``` npm install typeOfData ```
A Sass API data type conversion.
Shared state with persistence, notification, and history
Double linked list data type
Validate data type & data structure. Translate data type automatically
Convert Object and String Javascript types between different styles
concrete data type implementations
qb1 type names (full, curt, and mini) and basic info
An object that keeps string keys in insertion order which can be re-ordered as needed. Minimal code.
serialization of objects to plain qb1 string format
Short, normal, and full names of qb1 types
Core types for qb1
Centralizes and promotes work with similar primitive data
Introduce text-mask support for @softeq/angular-data-types library
Centralizes and promotes work with similar primitive data
return data type as string. contain types of objects like promise and regexp
Checks if a data value is a string.