creating and manipulating MySQL table by inheriting parent class<DbTable> with mysl-dbc
creating and manipulating MySQL table by inheriting parent class<DbTable> with mysl-dbc
DBC Audit log module made for use in projects based on nodejs and JavaScript at DBC
World of Warcraft client side data manipulation node module.
JavaScript library for mastering the wizardry that is Blizzard's game files
Basic soap client
DBC logger module made for use in projects based on nodejs and JavaScript at DBC
A JSON-Schema Based Contract System
Client for DBC webservice OpenOrder
Provider for the Node modules that accesesthe DBC webservices
Design By Contract for Javascript
A small library to verify preconditions and postconditions.
Client for DBC webservice OpenSearch
Client for DBC webservice OpenUserStatus
Clientside Service Provider Client
Client for DBC webservice BorrCheck
Client for the DBC profile service. Focussed on the MobilSøg user profile.
Client for DBC webservice MoreInfo
Client for dbc openagency webservice
Client for DBC webservice OpenHoldingStatus
A tiny library for contract-based progamming in JavaScript