The official Elasticsearch client for Node.js
The official Elasticsearch client for Node.js
A low-level HTTP client for communicating with the Elastic APM intake API
The official Elastic APM agent for Node.js
Context management helper for the w3c traceparent header format
An elasticsearch query body builder.
Elastic (autosize) textareas for AngularJS, without jQuery dependency.
A JavaScript implementation of the elasticsearch Query DSL
Directive that automatically adjusts textarea height to fit content
Mock utility for the Elasticsearch's Node.js client
AWS ElasticSearch connection for the @elastic/elasticsearch ES client
An OpenTracing bridge for the Elastic APM Node.js Agent
Load pino logs into ElasticSearch
A network resilient, persistent full-text search library for the browser and Node.js
Elastic APM Real User Monitoring for Vue applications
A formatter for the pino logger compatible with Elastic Common Schema.
ElasticAPMSourceMapPlugin is a Webpack plugin that uploads sourcemaps generated by Webpack to a Elastic APM server.
A formatter for the winston logger compatible with Elastic Common Schema.
Cassandra Object Models (ORM/ODM/OGM) for NodeJS with support for Apache Cassandra, ScyllaDB, Datastax Enterprise, Elassandra & JanusGraph.
Angular Directive that automatically adjusts textarea height to fit content
A module to make easy AWS Elasticbeanstalk deployment