Cross platform child_process#spawn and child_process#spawnSync
Cross platform child_process#spawn and child_process#spawnSync
Process execution for humans
Get your PATH prepended with locally installed binaries
Run the Node.js binary no matter what
Simple JS queue with auto run for node and browsers
Simple JS stack with auto run for node and browsers
Cross platform child_process#spawn
Executes a command using the environment variables in an env file
Execute a method out from an object.
Ambi lets you execute any function ambidextrously; providing you the ability to execute any function (be it synchronous, asynchronous, returns, callbacks, promises) as if it returned a promise.
Grunt task for executing shell commands.
val loader module for webpack
Buffered child process#spawn.
Execute commands with .env file
Executes provided shell commands with supplied arguments. Supports parallel and templated commands
an http server that can watch files, trigger commands and livereload
Run AppleScript and get the result
Execute code in node
Run programs with glob/globstar support, especially on Windows within npm scripts.
Excute shell commands in queue