Automatically cleanup expired items in a Map
Automatically cleanup expired items in a Map
Evented LRU TTL cache for NodeJS and browsers.
Micro JS lib that provide local & session storage with expiration time.
Intuitive cookie manipulation library for the front-end
query an SSL/TLS server and report its certificate's expiration date
An Angular module to time session expiration. When user session idle time reaches a threshold, then pop up a modal dialog to let user choose to continue session or log out the system. When user session is expired, timer will stop and user will be logged o
High Performance Layer 1 / Layer 2 Caching with Keyv Storage
Factory to schedule and execute calls to refresh token endpoints in advance of token expiration.
Timer wheel for managing expiration of a large amount of items
Check to see if a token is expired using only the token itself without a secret key or validation
Localstorage with expirations on data objects by key
A small Map wrapper with defer and expiry.
Small piece of code handle local storage simplify
Decodes JWT (JSON Web Token) and checks expiration date. A Node port of angular-jwt.
It is the localstorage that has valid time, can use in node
Nodejs locking implementation
A wrapper around localforage adding experation times and cache invalidation methods
Tiny JavaScript library to easily store and retrieve data items (with size limit, expiration, local & session storage binding in option).
session storage with an expiration
A browser cache based on local storage.