Make unhandled promise rejections fail loudly instead of the default silent fail
Make unhandled promise rejections fail loudly instead of the default silent fail
Throw a given error
Make unhandled promise rejections fail hard right away instead of the default silent fail
Enable request retry for Popsicle
Makes Jest throw on React prop-type failures
Gets you the Cypress test command log as JSON on failure
Easily generate "custom" error objects with addition properties which can be stringfied with JSON.stringify
Utility to make jest tests fail when console.error() or console.warn() are used
make a CLI command always return an exit status of 0. This can be useful in combination with a `watch` process to ensure things keep running.
A gulp plugin which forces a task to fail.
Extend Jest and Puppeteer to automatically take screenshots after each test failure or success
Tiny package implementing multiple strategies to verify if an HTTP request was failed
Tests will fail if they pass and pass if they fail
📼Supertape formatter shows only failed tests
Easily print a fail whale
gulp-stylelint reporter that fails stylelint linting task with non-zero exit code
Fail with an error message and a correct exit code
Simple, beautiful spinner.
Stream that receives TAP and exits on first failing test.
throw expression as a function